The Storyteller - the wit and wisdom of Frank Coughlin
I have my whole day laid out in front of me- this then that and a couple more things.
But A funny thing happened when I opened up my creative instincts - the child wanted to play. Yes, my inner child wanted to play.

Some people consider this a good thing and I am one of them. However, the child playing can get in the way of what the adult wants to do. The trick is in forming a balance of both. Yes, you can have it all.

You just have to take the right approach. (Hint - avoid thinking in black and white -> there is more to any choice than just this or that). So it is with writing.
To be creative, the writer must engage the magical genius child within. It takes the adult to make sense of it all - or to package it (your output) into something someone else might understand, relate to or be entertained by. To achieve this balance takes practice - the adult wants to control everything and so does the child. Each must learn that the other provides a valuable service - get them both to work together and you have magic.
If  one begins to dominate the other, you will notice. The child will have a tantrum and refuse to do anything worthwhile and the adult will just walk away. These are easy to spot.
The adult needs to feel needed. Let the adult sit there and watch - the child will acknowledge her/him and will ask for help when needed. This is the balance. It is after all an adult world. But a playful one too.
Keep practicing and you will get there - balance of the parent/child inner parts. I am still practicing. I do not know if there is such a thing as mastering this, but I am getting better at it - so that is why I say keep practicing.

I am sitting here trying to get a handle on the first chapter of my story about the little girl who may or may not have a supernatural friend. I have the hook but how to get it together from there is a presenting a challenge to me.
I compare this challenge to trying to get a cat (my cat) down from the roof. My cat has discovered a way to get on the roof - it is a one story house - but has also discovered that it is a one way route - once up there is no way down.
I have to convince this former stray cat to trust me enough to let me bring it back to earth. I try all the tricks in the book and then some and nothing works. The cat looks at me as if I am the crazy one.
In the manner, trying to get a story to do what you want it to do will sometimes make you crazy. No matter what you try nothing works. You know you have a great story there in your brain but it just won't come out onto your paper.
My answer to both problems is the two P's: patience and persistence. Keep trying and take time to rest but don't give up - that cat will come to you sooner or later. (It did). The same result will happen with your story - keep trying it will come. 

There is no point in running as they are everywhere. Even if you buy a house in the woods or a desert, they will find you. It does not matter what kind of electric fence or any other security devices you install, they will find a way around them. They are Zombies - dull uncreative and drab and they are out to get you.
Zombies exist everywhere - you might have a couple in your family. They eat, drink, sleep, watch television and offer their opinions about everything. They wish to rot your brain so that you will be like them. They offer you candy to ride in the backseat of their expensive cars - but don't get in. Don't give into their temptations - they don't really care about you (they only want to rot your brain.)
I have survived Zombie attacks all my life. Therefore I can offer a few tips on how to survive a zombie attack.
1) Be a chameleon - This works if you are vastly outnumbered, say the only creative type in a roomful of zombies - you just pretend you are a zombie too. Ask when Dog the bounty hunter is coming on, or some other reality cable show. Works everytime.
2) Hold up an icon of Thought (a book perhaps) - this scares Zombies much like a crucifix scares vampires. They will shield their eyes and that will give you the space to escape.
3) Use drugs or alcohol to slow them down - If you choose to drink or smoke with them be careful what you say - you might arouse them. However most times, zombies will just look at you funny as if you are talking a different language. For example, once I got drunk with some zombies and started reciting poetry. They moved away from me and believed that I was being possessed by some demon. I then farted and everything returned to normal.
4)Burp or fart (or joke about burps or farts) - this always brings laughs and relieves the tension. Try to fade away quietly after this though or all night you will be stalked by Zombies wanting you to do it again.
5)Use this technique only if all else fails and you are backed into a corner by several layers of Zombies {pull out your iPhone (or any other hi-tech gear), drop it to the side of you and claim it is a very expensive cool gadget. For some unexplainable reason, Zombies are attracted to high tech things such as smart phones. Once you drop the iPhone, slowly walk away - you will never see your gadget in one piece again anyway.
Zombies almost always break high tech gadgets by checking to see if they'll float, survive a hammer blow or some other inane test.

The reason Zombies are so deadly is their numbers. They believe that anyone who is creative is crazy and would be better off dead (in the brain that is). They will do anything to get you to quit writing, even offer sexual favors (this is a rumor - it has never happened to me). Zombies will yell at you, tell you that you stink, laugh at you (the zombie's laugh is the worst thing in the universe), and offer you soda pop. I have seen good writers prey to Zombie-ism with their first burp or fart.

When Zombies come knocking at your door, tell them that you are being given a genius grant from the National Endowment for the Arts - they hate that. Zombies ususally hang out in the south but they can be found in a town  that has a tea party chapter. I have to go now - I hear an angry mob of zombies  on my lawn complaining about my television being set for PBS. Luckily, I have an old iPhone sitting around.